sublime html beautify

plugin for Sublime Text that formats (indents) HTML source code. It makes code easier for humans to read. Skip to content ... // create your own key command combination here! "command": "html_beautify", // command that executes html_be

相關軟體 Sublime Text 2 下載

Sublime Text 2是一套非常好用的程式編輯器。它擁有內建的指令可以讓您在Command Palette(命令面板)中來完成,並且它會將依您輸入的指令自動帶出相關的指令,並支援您自已設定您的命令面板的顯示方式,不管是什麼用法都非常的方便。Sublime Text 2擁有一個重要的特點,就是支援多種Package的安裝,而且沒有限定Package的安裝種類,讓您可以依照您自已的需求,加快您...

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  • To find out, I put several of the most popular HTML formatting Sublime Text plugins throug...
    Formatting HTML with Sublime Text | Sublime Text Tips ...
  • plugin for Sublime Text that formats (indents) HTML source code. It makes code easier for ...
    GitHub - rareymanHTMLBeautify: A plugin for Sublime Text th ...
  • HTMLBeautify - A plugin for Sublime Text that formats (indents) HTML source ... put every ...
    GitHub - rareymanHTMLBeautify: A plugin for Sublime Text that ...
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JSON code formatter for Sublime Text 2 and 3 via node....
    GitHub - victorporofSublime-HTMLPrettify: HTML, CSS, JavaSc ...
  • This is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin allowing you to format your HTML, CSS, JavaScript an...
    GitHub - victorporofSublime-HTMLPrettify: HTML, CSS, JavaScript ...
  • How to beautify the html code in sublime text 3. ... Plugin para ordenar codigo en Sublime...
    How to beautify the html code in sublime text 3 - YouTube
  • This is a Sublime Text 2 and 3 plugin allowing you to format your HTML, CSS, JavaScript an...
    HTML-CSS-JS Prettify - Packages - Package Control
  • Hi all! I'm using a great plugin (HTML-CSS-JS Prettify)
    HTML-CSS-JS Prettify Plugin - General Discussion - Sublime F ...
  • Search for “HTMLBeautify” and install. Windows users will need to restart Sublime Text to ...
    HTMLBeautify - Packages - Package Control
  • With Code Beautifier, you can pretty-print and syntax highlight source code written in Jav...
    Online Code Beautifier for JavaScript, HTML, CSS and PHP
  • sublime html beautify 快捷键定义在哪里的? esyed · 2015-02-21 22:26:43 +08:00 · 6463 次点击 这是一个创建于 944...
    sublime html beautify 快捷键定义在哪里的? - V2EX
  • From The Complete Visual Guide on Sublime Text 3 ... However, it doesn't automatically...
    Sublime Text 3 Plugins: HTMLPrettify - YouTube
  • I've got some poorly-formatted HTML code that I'd like to reformat. Is there a com...
    sublimetext2 - How do I reformat HTML code using Sublime Tex ...
  • How can I do this? I have Package Control installed and I'm running Ubuntu. There are ...
    sublimetext3 - Beautify HTML Code in Sublime Text 3 - Stack ...
  • 2014年2月13日 - Check out HTML-CSS-JS Prettify . It requires node.js to work, so make sure y...
    sublimetext3 - Beautify HTML Code in Sublime Text 3 - Stack Overflow
  • 2015年1月14日 - 從網路上抓現成的JavaScript 範例程式,有個麻煩就是程式碼對齊的問題, 最常見的是空白數目跟自己常用的4 個空白不一樣, 或是左右括號的位置&n...
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  • 2014年12月22日 - 外掛網址: ... 重啟Sublime Text...
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  • 在網站開發的第一堂課HTML+CSS+JS課程中, 是下載sublime text 做練習但sublime除了當編輯器, 到底還有什麼好用呢( 不然就用dremweaver或記事本...
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